
Quick Pay Entry

This page allows you to view and edit amounts and hours for multiple employees at the same time.  The upper section shows you the period begin and end dates, then allows you to choose your sort order, filter and number of items to show per page.

The bottom section shows the basic details for a number (as designated above) of employees at a time.  Clicking on the Emp Id will take you to that employee’s Personal Information page. 

      Click the Calculator  button to view the current paycheck amounts for that employee. 

      Click the Wrench button to edit the paycheck attributes for the check.  Click the Plus button to add another check for the employee. 

      Click the Details button to view the Employee Pay Entry page.

      Click the Plus   button to add another check for the employee.

      Click Next to view the next set of employee records.

      Click Save & Next to save any changes you have made before moving on to the next set of employee records.

To edit the fields that show on this page, please see the help topic for Quick Pay Entry Field Selection.