Company Setup

Job Codes


The Job Codes page defines the job codes that are available in the system.  HR Alliance defines job codes separately from a cost centers.  Typically job codes are used to track time and costs associated with a unit of work that will be completed and billed to a third party.  Job codes are an integral part of companies needing to do Certified Payroll reporting.  When a job code is marked as certified and the employees time is imported or keyed on a daily basis our system can generate a standard Certified Payroll report that can be sent in to the agencies that your company is doing work for that require such reporting.




      Job Code – The code for this item, this can be up to 15 characters in length.

      Description – The description for this item.

      Line 1 – The first line of the address where this job is located.

      Line 2 – The second line of the address where this job is located.

      City – The city of the address where this job is located

      State – The state of the address where this job is located.

      Zip – The postal code / zip code where this job is located.

      Shift – If specified earnings paid under this job code will have this shift code applied.

      Rate Code – If specified earnings paid under this job code will have this rate code applied.

      Rate – If other than zero earnings paid under this job code will be paid at this rate of pay per hour worked.

      Rate + - Earnings paid under this job code have this amount added to the hourly rate.

      Rate x – If other than zero earnings paid under this job code will be paid by multiplying the hourly rate times this number and then by the number of hours.

      Certified Job – When checked this tells the system to include the job on certified payroll reports.