Working with Grids

Most pages in the HRA system use a common layout style with a record selection grid at the top of the page followed by the details of the selected item below.  The example in the picture below is of the record selection grid from the Deductions page.

Grid Features

      Pagination – The Per Page selection box on the far left at the top allows you to choose the number of items to display on a page.   When the number of items in the grid exceeds the Per Page setting, the Page Selection Area is display on the far right at the top.  You may choose any page from the selection box or use the arrows to go to the previous, first, next or last page.

      Filtering – Basic filtering of the grid items is provided by the Search For selection box and field.  The Search For selection box shows the fields that are available to search on the current page.  In the example picture, this box is filled in with ‘Ded Code’.  To the right of this box, you may type the value you want to search for, ‘WT’ in the example.  Pressing Enter or Clicking the magnifying glass icon causes the grid to become filtered based on the selected field (Ded Code) and typed field (WT).  If we clicked the magnifying glass icon in the example, the grid would only show the top line item which has a deduction code of WT.

      Show – For pages that contain both a Start Date and an End Date field, a Show selection box will be shown.  This allows you to quickly choose to see records based on whether they are active, passed, scheduled for the future or to see all records.  The default value for the Show item is ‘Active & Future’; this shows all items for which the end date has not yet occurred.  The other choices are:

Active – The start date is before today and the end date is blank or after today.

Inactive – The item ended in the past or has not started yet.

Future – The item starts in the future.

Past – The item ended in the past.

All – Shows all items.

      Sorting – The selection grid has clickable headers that cause the grid information to be sorted by that field.  To sort a field in the opposite direction, click it again.  In the example above, the grid is sorted by the ‘Agency’ column in reverse alphabetical order.

      Deleting Records – If you have rights to delete information from a page, the Delete Button  is shown at the right hand side of each record.  Click this button to delete the corresponding row from the system.  You will receive a warning message to ensure that this is what you want to do.