Status Change


The Status Change page tracks detailed employment dates for an employee.  The payroll side of the system has a single hire date and a single term date for an employee while the Status Change page lets you track an unlimited number of hires and terms for an employee.  In addition the Status Change page can be configured from  the Company Status Change Setup page to perform common employee maintenance data updates when an employee changes status depending on the old and new employee status being changed from and to.



      Change Date – The date the status change became effective.

      Change Reason – The reason that the status was changed.  The change reasons are populated with all available employee termination reasons plus the status change reasons, both are customized from the Company Misc Choices  page.

      Old Status – The status being changed from, employee status codes can be customized from the Company Misc Choices  page.

      New Status – The status being changed to, employee status codes can be customized from the Company Misc Choices  page.

      Notes – Any relevant notes for this status change record.